Case studies

client case studies / cartrawler

High-stakes SEO: when it’s got to be right

Global car rental platform CarTrawler was in negotiation to buy Holiday Autos from Travelocity. They asked Tinderpoint to assess the SEO risks.

Bobby Healy
CTO, CarTrawler

Tinderpoint know exactly what they’re doing. I’d recommend them to any serious multinational online company.

The brief

CarTrawler is a global car rental platform with gross sales of €500 million pa. We were asked to identify the risks to Google organic rankings of migrating Holiday Autos’ seven European web properties to CarTrawler. We were also tasked with providing counter-measures to minimise traffic loss.

What we did

We assessed the risks across a broad set of factors, including CDNs, geographic hosting for multiple country-level (ccTLD) domains and multi-lingual canonical issues. We also advised on sub-domain strategy post-Panda, class-C incoming links post-Penguin and the impact of social signals on organic traffic.
